Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Im still here...

Im just busy. The trip was great - had a blast. But landed back in Sydney exhausted. Slept for 3 days. Then had to finish moving every possession I own in to storage. Then every person I know wanted to "catch up" before I left. Managed to see a few good friends before leaving for Melbourne on Saturday afternoon. Spent the night in Tahmoor, then got here Sunday night.

All good. Busy unpacking and settling in. The trip (8.5hrs) down here was a rockin one. I made some mix CDs for the trip. Ill put the tracklist up shortly.

I start the new job on Wednesday. Dont know what to expect. Time will tell.

Theres lots of stuff I need to put here - reviews of all 14 shows, the travel journal, the new guitar. Itll all be here to bore you eventually.

The above photo is from the official Nine Inch Nails Flickr site. Its from a gig a few days ago. An amazing photograph from Rob Sheridan who has done a lot of work with the band over the years. I like this photo for a number of reasons. 1/ its a candid action shot - its not staged, the band probably dont even know he is there taking the photos. 2/ the look of joy on the faces of the fans down the front. Been there, done that. Love it. 3/ Trent and Robin are rockin out. This band put in 110% live, and this photo sort of shows that. Last time I saw them I sat in the stadium seating (Big Day Out 2000) and I was exhausted just watching them.

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