Monday, July 14, 2008

Dear Jon Bon Jovi


Dear Jon Bon Jovi

Hi. Im in New York City. Nice place. Im fucking tired, but the trip has been good so far. One major problem this morning, but im hopefully going to deal with it.

So its about 6pm New York time. From my recollection of watching many backstage movies, documentaries and interviews with you, now is about the time you are writing up the setlist for tonights show at Madison Square Garden.

So I thought id give you a hand with the setlist.

You see, Ive been a fan for almost 22 years - longer than I have of any other artist. Tonight and tomorrow nights shows are going to be special. The last 2 shows of the Lost Highway world tour. I was backstage at the Garden today doing the guided tour of the different areas of the awesome venue. We saw the change rooms of the Rangers and the Knicks, the corporate boxes (maybe its these snotty wankers that buy your Slippery When Wet wine??? and we saw the WAMU THeatre. I bumped into your brother backstage too. And I saw Lorenza. She's a hottie. I was going to pass either JBJ jnr or Lorenza my suggestions, but I know that the force is strong between us, so me typing this out will get to you im sure.

Im hopeless at putting songs in order of where they should fit in the set, so ill just type them up as I wrote them in my journal during my long ass 26 hour flight to get here. Thats right - 26 fucking hours.

- Lost Highway. Its a given. It rocks. I like it.
- Whole Lot Of Leaving. Great played live. Do a Nike.
- The Distance. Paul wants it. I could care less, but make the boy happy. he did the 26 fucking hours as well.
- Any Other Day. Please please please play this. Its the best song on Lost Highway. You didnt play it when I saw you guys back in January. Id appreciate it on either night.
- Make A Memory. Sad, soppy songs are good sometimes. I like the vocal delivery on this one toward the end of the song.
- Born TO Be My Baby. I brought along my air keyboard to help David out again. I know ill need it for Runaway, but im there if im needed.
- Living In Sin. Hey, we can all dream cant we???
- Homebound Train. For my homeboy Tony K. And me too. And us Sambora freaks would blow our loads if this one gets a playing.
- Ill Be There For You. You singing it. Its special to me lately. Ill write why it is in a few days.
- These Days. You singing it. Richie slaughtered it back in January. This one also goes out to Tony K. See you in a few days bro.
- Lie To Me. I need to hear Richie's solo on this gem from your perfect 1995 album These Days. NEED TO HEAR IT.
- Something To Believe In. Cmon man, you never play it anymore. Its awesome live. Shits all over the studio version. Do it like you did back in Japan in 1996. Get one of your backstage bitches to play you the version off the One Wild Night live album. Thanks.
- Someday Ill Be Saturday Night. Again with the lyrics. And its just a cracker of a sing. one of your best.
- Raise Your Hands. Man, this one just perfectly summarizes why I love your band.
- Wild In The Streets. See the comment above.
- Id Die For You. While you are on a Slippery roll, pull this one out of the back catalogue and give it a whirl.
- Just Older. Best song on Crush. Dont disrespect it by not playing it. Please, pretty pleases? Cherry on top?
- Dry County. Remember the live version you put out from the 94 Red Bank show? The way Tico does that drum roll into Richie's solo is really cool. And of course the solo is tops. Id appreciate it. Thanks.
- In These Arms. Havent cried in a while. Feels good to get it out every now and then.
- Have A Nice Day. When the world gets in my face, I say....
- Who Says You Cant Go Home. US Customs, thats who. Id like to stay here for a while. But i dont think immigration control would take too lightly to it. Was thinking of getting Bruce to write a song about me crossing the border or something, but i think theres more worthy folks who need his support. But hey, I am unemployed, so you never know....
- One Wild Night. na na na na na na na na na.
- Something For The Pain. Paul suggested it. I agree. Another cracker.
- Runaway. Im there with the air keyboard as mentioned above. Let It Rock (that too would be awesome, and Social Disease)
- Misunderstood. I know i know, Bounce wasnt as well received as The Rising. But I like it. And I like the playfulness of the song. Great album, not your best though. I like this song as its less serious than the other stuff on the album - not to diminish from the topics you and the band went in to on it, but i nice easy rockin song is a welcome addition to the themes of that album.
- Everyday. After the above easier track off Bounce, I give you permission to rock it on the more serious stuff. Remember bro - you owe me for not coming to Australia for the Bounce tour. Radio promo tour my fat ass.
- Stranger In This Town. Let Richie take some more of the spotlight. Im sick of seeing Denise get her name in the papers and on TMZ everytime she mentions his name. Wish those dopey tabloid fucks would pay attention to how talented the man is instead of his personal life.
- Destination Anywhere. Put Blaze Of Glory on a shelf and leave it toll the 2025 reunion tour. Seriously. Its been done. Move on. Dont forget the second solo album. The title track is great, let the more casual fans who probably dont even know you put out a second solo album experience a really great song.

So there you have it. Im sure Wanted, Prayer, Medicine, Faith, etc will get played. The middle aged women of New Jersey would riot if they werent. But over the next two nights id appreciate it (and im sure many more of your more serious/nerdy fans would appreciate it too)

Thanks for the great show back in January - really lifted me up (hey - add Hook Me Up to the above set too)

Im leaving for the show now - see you in a bit



ps - im going to write up some songs for that other Jersey native to play at the three Giants Stadium shows. Feel free to pass them along when ive posted them here.


Unknown said...

Hey Adam,

Read your "Open Letter to Bon Jovi": good stuff :)

However, I must pick a bone -- the best song they've ever written, IMO (and the one where Jon may actually claim to have a bit of soul) is, Hearts Breaking Even.

The catch is, they've yet to play it live!

Maybe tonight or tomorrow night?

We shall find out soon enough.

Great seeing you!


Unknown said...

Hey Adam, Im sorry I didn't get to see you would have been cool! Here are some that I posted at my site that I would have liked to hear at the show:

I Believe, She Don’t Know Me, Roulette, Breakout, 99 In the shade, In and out of love, King of the Mountain, Only Lonely, Tokyo Road, Something for the Pain, Hey God.