Sunday, June 29, 2008

Signed Stuff - Green Day


So back in 1996 I met Green Day.

Green Day's Dookie is one of my favourite albums of the 90's. I first heard it at a party in 1994. Like most kids my age it became a sort of full time / permanent listen. In the car, on the Walkman, at parties, etc. It was everywhere. Its just a great album. When i Come Around is the stand out track for me.

Here's a great live version of When I Come Around from Woodstock 1994;

I’ve thought about writing some stuff about these guys for a while now, just haven't gotten around to putting fingers to keyboard. They are a band that has continued to evolve out of the 90's grunk (what i call grunge punk) into relevant artists today. 2004's American Idiot is a masterpiece that kids will still be discovering and listening to in 2025. I’m positive of that.


So Green Day came here to play in support of the Insomniac album. They announced an instore at HMV in Pitt St in the city. So along I went with a mate and we lined up with the masses of other kids. We got through about an hour after it started. When we finally got through to the band I noticed that they had used the texta/markers and written all over the TV screens behind them. Very punk. Or try hard punk. Im not sure.




I got my copy of Dookie signed. It was kind of rushed - the band were cool and having a good time with the fans, but the record company people were pushing people through really quickly. I had enough time to say hi, get my CD signed and take a few pictures.

When the photos came back from the developer, I noticed the funny photo below;


Its not my Dookie cover that Mike is chewing in to - id say it was owned by the person in front of me. But I went and checked out my Dookie CD booklet that the band signed - and there is small teeth marks in the top corner! The record company people pushed us through so quickly that I didn’t even notice!

While looking for the above When I Come Around video from Woodstock 94, I came across this below video of the infamous mud fight Green Day had with the crowd at Woodstock. Pretty funny to see.

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