Monday, May 19, 2008

Why dont the Africans, Chinese or Brazilians like me?

I like seeing stats on visitors to this site. One repeat visitor disturbs me. But i wont say why in case they read this. But I know you are there...

I thought I was getting the same 5 people visiting - Shannon, Gene, Gary, Tony and Brian. But me thinks thats not the case now.

Im HUGE in Europe. But I need to work on the Africans and South Americans. And maybe China blocks me? My USA visitors must be all referals from Tony's readers. And you'd think with over a billion people in India at least one of them would come on over for a read, but no.

So fuck it. Im going to hit the streets. Press the flesh in person. Ill get me some more readers by visiting these places** myself. It might take me a while, but im so going to do it. Besides, what else am I going to do now that shortly ill be unemployed and of no fixed address?

** but im not going to India. Or Russia. Or China. Or most of Africa. Or the Ukraine.

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