Monday, November 19, 2007

Oh dear

A damn good friend of ours - Shannon Tweed (and mother to our beautiful god daughter Emily) put a note in her MSN tag line thing that says: "Its November. Im writing." So being the curious one that I am I asked her what it is that she is writing. She wouldnt tell me. Neither would Emily's sperm donor Gene Simmons. So I told her to join me and Gene and bazillions of other metards and Blog our pointless writings for the world to not see.

She is a creative one, dear Shannon. Doesnt say much. But when she does it scares me. Not bad scare, but good scare. Sharp wit and well educated, these are the type of women who scare the pants off me. Yvee is also this type of women who succeeded in taking my pants off. But thats a story for another time when I start drinking again. Trust me, itll happen eventually. I can see the shareholders of Bitch Piss companies the world over rubbing their hands with joy - "yay, he's back"

So anyway I suggested Shannon start a blog here on Blogspot. I told Gene to restart his, and he promised to resart if I do. So im doing mine again. And you are reading it.

Shannon has a way cool Flickr name, so I suggested she register that. Time will tell how it all goes. But im sure ill post something about the potential results. Im sure the writings of a smart, well educated, events manager, married to my non-homo man lover on maternity leave woman would interest many on this here Interweb thing.

So I thought id help her out and do some research for her on other blogs here on Blogger to give her some ideas and inspiration. So I typed in "Bored Housewife" in the Google Blog search engine. And well lets just say that some of the results werent what I was looking for, but I now know where the writers for Desperate Housewives get their inspiration from.

Good luck Biro. I look forward to reading about your adventures very soon.

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