Thursday, November 6, 2008

Im so bored with this interweb thing




Theres nothing interesting on the internet anymore. I read the same blogs and photo sites everyday. And occasionally the few music news sites i can be bothered to peruse. But i hit a wall last night. There is now nothing interesting for me to see on the internet.

I still like music and tits and funny videos and tits and people making fun of the soon to be ex US president and tits and youtube and tits and stuff. But its sort of the same shit rehashed.

So for the 5 of you who come here - if you still come here cause I haven't put anything up in ages - then here's some new stuff. Its me showing off more of my autographed stuff.

Just like the internet - its more of the same boring shit....


Claudia Schiffer


Met her in Sydney back in 1996. She was here promoting her fitness video. Dieter and I went along to the launch. I think Dieter thought he had a chance cause they are both from German heritage. It didnt work

Him - "you got any German in you? want some?"


Ozzy Osbourne


Met the dude back in 97 when he was here promoting Sabbath's greatest hits set. He was loaded. I was starstruck. I mumbled something at him. He mumbled something back.

It was intense. If it wasn’t for the work of him and Geezer and Tony and Bill then lets just say that the entire teenage years of your writer would have been a waste of really fucking crap music. If Sabbath didn’t exist then Metallica wouldn't exist.

I did my will back in January. This Ozzy photo is the only item specifically left to someone.


Jerry Seinfeld


He wasn’t that funny when i saw his show back in 1998 at the Capitol Theatre. I was waiting out back by his limo a few nights later and he came out the stage door and said hi to a few peeps waiting. Some lame ass morons had stuff to get signed like bibles and US dollar notes and newspapers. Not me. I had a glossy 8 x 10 of the cast. Jerry seigned it (get it????) and the photo is in storage. But here is a photo of Jerry seigning (fuck i crack me up) my photo. There's a story about the autograph but ill tell it later.





Thinking mans metal. These guys rock. Seriously one of the best bands ever. EVER. On album and at a show they just own. They toured Australia in October 1994 and played at a club near my house in Wollongong with Beastie Boys. I was 17 so I couldn't go to the show as it was a licensed gig. But i waited outside and saw MCA and Mike D from Beastie's walk in. And then Helmet walked in but I wasn’t quick enough to say hi and get a photo or my CD signed. I was talking to one of the tour people and she offered to take my CD in to the bands dressing room to get signed. She came out with the above and told me the band like meeting fans but had press to do otherwise they’d have come out to say hi.

Little did I know that Sean was there outside the club as well. He managed to sneak in to see Beastie Boys. I didn’t meet him until March 1995 - 6 months later. He had just started going out with Fee. We started talking about our favourite bands and both realised that we remembered other dudes outside the club trying to listen through the cracks in the fire doors! Ha.




Met em at the same club as Helmet above - January 1995. Again it was an over 18s show and i was still 17. Dexter told me the band had been told it was an all ages show by the promoter and that he was pissed off when he found out it wasnt. We talked a bit - real quickly. Then he signed my CD and took it to the rest of the band who were already in the band and they signed it too.


So im still bored with the interweb thing. And im sure the 5 of you still are with my blog.



ps - i have tonight decided that all my autographed cds & dvds & posters & vinyl & boxsets & promo photos, setlists, guitar pics, drum sticks, rare vinyl, rare cds, the Slash Les Paul, etc is going to be left to the Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame museum in Cleveland. Except the Ozzy photo. Get me a cabinet there - Cat has already made the sign. Put the Bono/Edge thing in the centre of the cabinet. Keep it all together. Its the only way ill ever get in there.....


BlakDog said...

Thank goodness... your blog was becoming one of those boring same shit different day blogs but with no updates..


Cat said...

I read this because I like you.