Friday, June 27, 2008

Gene Simmons - shut the fuck up

Dear Gene

Shut the fuck up already.

You rock my world. Seriously. The God Of Thunder knows how to rock The Baker. You’ve been doing it for a long time and you do it well. I’ve seen you in your day job - Ki$$ - play live 5 times now. I once even wore makeup at one of your gigs. And each time I see you and Paul and whoever else you have contractually obligated to join you on stage, you totally bring the rock to the masses. We have fun - you make lots of money. Everyone is happy.

I don’t care that you've "bedded" 4800 women. Actually I do care, but that's a story for another time.

But today i just received an email from someone who's writing I admire very much - Bob Lefsetz. I’m sure you have heard of him. He used to work at Sanctuary Records where you also have a professional relationship. He - like you - rocks. But he is not full of shit. And I think you are sometimes. Bob tells it like it is. He speaks clearly. There is no hidden agenda or ulterior motive. He isnt trying to "lay" us when he says something. He speaks and thousands listen. You - at times - speak and thousands laugh.

Bob sends his email list around this here interweb thing every day. Its the hilight of my email day (well that and the odd email that your Melbourne doppelganger sends - but his has photos of someone uber cool). Today's email had a good list of the top people Bob has on his enemies list. I’ve heard of some of the people on  Bob's list, and some id heard about but didn’t know what stupid things they have done. And there you are at number 4 on Bob' list;

4. Gene Simmons

For spreading the heinous concept that musicians are just in it for the money. For blaming the chaos of today's music world on the fans. You keep telling us how smart you are Gene, but every time you open your mouth you just demonstrate how uninformed and dumb you truly are.

Yep, that about sums up why I think you should shut the fuck up. Stop doing exactly what Bob said in his email and then I wont have to tell you to shut the fuck up.

You only hake headlines in recent years when you do or say something stupid. You should make headlines cause you have a hit record. Or you intend to release some new music. Or you are playing some great gig somewhere. Or maybe a charity event where some good money has been raised. But nooooo, all I ever hear is Gene's sex tape, or Gene doesnt like the fans cause they download, or some other crap.

I really like your A&E tv show. I think its funny, entertaining and is one of the best "reality" shows out there. Your wife is a total cougar. Your kids are pretty cool. The show looks real. I like it.

I’ve even started to read your book. But there's a familiar theme running through the first few chapters that sounds all too familiar - GENE, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

The music that your day job produces is awesome. There isn't a song I don’t like. Its all good to me. Id like it if Ace was back in the band, but I understand the reasons why he isn't there. You’ve been around for a long time. People respect your history. Your voice is valid. Your music crosses generations. You are relevant. Just shut the fuck up about anything that isn't Ki$$ (or linked to Ki$$) related. Simple.

You used to be about the music. Go back.



PS - here's a video to remind you of what used to be;

1 comment:

Glynn said...

I'll never forgive you for putting the Sex Tape link in.

I now have to go put a burning needle into my eyes...