Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dave Grohl on drums w/ Paul McCartney

The song (I Saw Her Standing There) doesn't exactly showcase how great a drummer Dave is. But thats not why I put this video up on the blog. Its the very end of the song when Dave joins Paul's band for the bow/farewell. Look at the grin on his face. The man is having the time of his life up there playing with one of his musical heroes.

I'm sure he sees that look of delight on the faces in the crowd he plays to every night. We the Foo Crazies (or Foozies as ive come to call us lately) get that grin from the minute the band walk on stage till they leave. Sure the seltists need some work, but its the great energy and great tunes they play that gives us that same look of delight that is on Dave's face at the end of the video.

I saw a girl after a Foo show here in Sydney back in 2002. She had this familiar look on her face. I said to her "first Foo show??" and she said "yes, how do you know?" I told her its easy to tell. She was also holding on of Tay's drumsticks and looked like she had been taken a pounding from the security fence at the front of the stage. It was almost a given. But I can still remember that look of elation on her face. Like she had seen something great that she would tell her friends about over and over and over.

Well - thats what i do.

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