Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Signed stuff - Helmet

So I got lots of stuff autographed. Lots and lots. Ive been lucky enough to meet most of my favourite musicians and get something signed. Maybe a photo. Maybe a quick conversation about a certain song or show or something.

As part of another project im working on, ive been scanning the covers of my signed CD collection. And I thought it might make for good blogging for the 5 of you (again - welcome Brian!). Ill write some notes about that CD and put the scan up.

So heres part 1;

Artist: Helmet
Album: Meantime
Signed by: Page Hamilton

Ive been a Helmet fan since about 1992. These guys are one of the best bands of the 90's. Just raw rough jazz infused rock. Riffs that give you a headache. A snare tighter than a nun's asshole. A bassline that should be in a Zeppelin song. And vocals that make no sense. But make lots of sense.

Ive met the band a few times. The first time was back in 1994. But thats another CD scan / story. This is about the above CD. The band broke up in 1997 and throughout the Noughties Page Hamilton did some solo stuff, some film scores, played in a few other bands (Bowie was one I can recall). He got the band back together (had John Tempesta and Frank Bello playing with him at one stage - that would have been a fucking awesome show to see). Then that version of the band broke up. Then Page got a new bunch of musicians together and Helmet version 15 came together.

The album Monochrome was released in 2006 and in December that year they announced an Australian tour for March 2007. Me? Happy? YES!!!!!

So I got me a ticket and about two weeks before the show I noticed a post on the Helmet forum asking if anyone wanted to film the shows. I sent a message to the poster and it turned out to be Jimmy Thompson - the new guitarist (who also happened to be from Perth via Melbourne and now living in LA). So we sorted out passes and stuff and I turned up on the night and for the first time ever in my bootlegging career I walked straight into the venue with all my gear. No KY required! The show was great with a tight setlist of old and new stuff.

After the show Jimmy introduced me to Page and we had a chat about all sorts of stuff. He is a top bloke and was appreciative of me filming the show (they are pro audience recording and like to keep an archive of live performances). I got a photo with Page, he gave me one of his picks and then he signed some CD's of mine - the above copy of Meantime being one of them.

While looking for some images for this post I came across Guitargeek.com and this article on Page's live rig. Below is an image of the rig from the site.

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