Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Time to question the mountain (Tibet)

I don’t pretend to understand the entire situation over in Tibet. I do know what I see and it doesn’t look good. It hasn’t looked good for a long time.

I first heard about the situation in Tibet when Adam Yauch (MCA) from Beastie Boys organised the Tibetan Freedom Concert in 1996. Great line-up (RATM, Foo, Sonic Youth, etc). Would have been great to see that show. Over the years I’ve read stories on the issues in Tibet – mostly from the pages of a Rolling Stone magazine. Yes, that’s how metarded I am – my political views are formed from the opinions of rock journalists. “Page 34 – Fergie has a new haircut / Page 35 – Free Tibet”

But this note is not about me.

The email below is from a good friend of mine, and its asking me (and now me to you) to visit the website and sign the petition asking for our new prime minister to voice our concerns over what’s been – and is currently – happening in Tibet. Kevin 07 is in China in a few weeks, so in between trips to table top dancing clubs and photos on the Great Wall id like him to let Wen Jiabao know that what’s going on in Tibet is not cool, and it would be a great thing if the concerns of the world were listened to and appropriate action was taken immediately.

Phew. Writing politically inspired emails is hard work. I once wrote one about Cat Stevens, Islamic Extremists, the CIA and sausage rolls at 3am from the 7/11 on Crown Street in 2500.

So anyway, im off to read the new Rolling Stone – Fergie got a new haircut. But ill leave you with the below words

Artist: Beastie Boys

Track: The Update

Album: Ill Communication

I Can Hear The Trumpets Blowing Screaming Out The End Of Time
Look Around And Listen And You'll See Every Sign
The Waters Are Polluted As The Forests Are Cut Down
Bombing And Drilling Deep Below The Ground
Check The Prophecies From Around The World
And Look Around Now As It All Unfurls
Look Into Yourself And See What Goes On
Get A Feeling In Your Heart Of The Right From Wrong
Because The Mother Earth Needs To Be Respected
Been Far From Too Long That She's Been Neglected
Race Against Race, Such A Foolish Waste
It's Like Cutting Off Your Nose To Spite Your Face
And At The End Of The Wars, What Was The Cost
It's Clear That The Earth Was The One Who Lost
We Are One With Her As She Is One With Us
It's Unreal How She Is Treated So Unjust
As Our Planet Grows Smaller Each And Every Day
Everyone Affecting Everyone In Every Way
We're All Citizens Of The World Community
All Here Together And We're Searching For Unity
Over The Years, I've Grown And Changed So Much
Things I Know Now Years Ago, I Couldn't Touch
There Are Things I've Done That I Wouldn't Do Again
But I'm Glad That I Did 'Cause I've Learned From Them
I Just Try To Stay Present Right Here, Right Now
No Worries, No Fears And Without Any Doubts

It's About Time

'Cause In These Times, These Changing Times
A Transition Is Occuring And I Am Not Blind
As The Pendlum Swings A New Age We Enter
And With Every Swing, It Draws Closer To The Center
Yes The Storm Before The Calm And The Wars That Lead To Love
Things Must Run Their Course So We Push And We Shove
But We're Here To Work It Out In One Way Or Another
To Find A Mutual Respect For Ourselves And One Another
And The True Key Is A Trust In Self
For When I Trust Myself, I Fear No One Else
I Took Control Of My Life, Just As Anyone Can
I Want Everyone To See It's In The Palm Of Your Hand
The Past Is Gone, The Future Yet Unborn
But Right Here And Now Is Where It All Goes On
I Know We Can Fix It And It's Not Too Late
I Give Respect To King And His Nonviolent Ways
I Dream And I Hope And I Won't Forget
Someday I'm Going To Visit On A Free Tibet
Someday I'm Going To See Us All Joined As One
And It Would Be Too Bad To Blow It Up Before We're Done
'Cause We Long Behind The Rage Learning From The Pain
The Love Behind The Tension Like The Sun Behind The Rain
I'm Sending Loving Light To All That Is
To All Creation And The Life We Live
I'm Not Preaching Bull Sh1t, Just Speaking My Mind
'Cause I'm Here Now And It's About Time

Sent: Tuesday, 25 March 2008 11:02 PM
Subject: Petition for Tibet


Only last September I was sitting in a hotel room in China watching news about Burmese monks being persecuted for protesting. This is sounding all too familiar.

I've just joined the urgent campaign to send Kevin Rudd to China with a message to stand up for the human rights of Tibetans.

As Australians, we are in a unique position to help stop the cultural genocide taking place right now in Tibet.

Kevin Rudd happens to be the world leader who not only can speak to the Chinese leaders in their own language, but is visiting Beijing the week after next to meet the President and the Premier.
Add to that the impending Beijing Olympics, where the world's eyes will focus on China, and we have a once in a generation chance to resolve this crisis.

As you read this, Tibetans are burying an unknown number of their dead from these recent protests - the number is unknown because China is keeping out all international media and human rights monitors. But China can't afford too much damage to its international reputation, will listen to Australia's concerns.

Let's use our trade links for more than just economic gain.

Please sign the petition today:




Beastie Boys - Shake Your Rump (Tibetan Freedom Concert)

Beastie Boys - Root Down (Tibetan Freedom Concert)

Rage Against The Machine - Bulls On Parade (Tibetan Freedom Concert)

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