Friday, February 22, 2008

Free Agent Crew - Thursday Feb 21 2008

Yes, these guys are friends of mine. I like the music. I am biased. But it is good music.

**End Of Disclaimer**

I went to see Free Agent Crew last night at Wollongong Uni. Great show - but i know it would be. IT was the second time ive seen these guys - the first being the EP launch for iPods Killed Cover Art last year. Great show, some video Yvee and I did is here.

It was weird last night though. Not the band, but the crowd. A bunch of 18 year olds at their Orientation week (it was called O week, and it took about 3 hours for me to realise that the O in O Week was for Orientation). And the kids were having fun. And maybe i just have a warped view of reality at the moment, but when i was their age we were more normal than these My Space kiddies. It was like a fashion parade in there - and that was just the dudes. Half these fcuks looked like Corey Worthington. There were some damn cute girls too, but i just kept thinking that when i was their age and going to a gig i went for a) to watch the music b) to listen to the music. Not to a) pose, b) air kiss my friends or c) take photos of each other air kissing and posing for my fcuking Facebook account.

Just when I was ready to unleash the fury on these My Space kiddies, I was re-introduced to the Dapto Boys. The Free Agent Crew's crew. These guys are top blokes. As I was hanging with Penny Lane, they were coming up to me and introducing themselves, offering to buy me a drink - "what beer you want?", when I said "ïm cool, i dont drink" they thought I was joking. The other Fiona said to me how loyal these guys are to their friends, and then the friends of friends. Yeah, good blokes.

So when the band took to the stage it was great to see that im just a jaded old fcuk - the MySpace kiddies were packed in the venue and having a great time. Nice. And the Dapto Boys were representing in a fine way. The band were playing new tracks off their new single - they sound great. Some slower stuff and some funky stuff. I like. They played for a bit over an hour. The ever growing Dapto Boys crew (and their WAGs) were just as entertaining as the band. They knew words to songs, They mimicked Simons hand movements. I saw headbanging.

Ive said this to the 4 of you who read this before - a great gig to me is when the band and crowd get into it together. They feed off each other. And thats what I saw last night. Good times.

Im using Yvee's R1 a lot lately. It feels good to use it. And ive been playing with a lot of the shutter and aperture settings to get the right types of photos. Some results are below.

Bass: Michael
Guitar: Shaun
Drums: Alex
Lead Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards: Simon
Vocals, Turntables, Samples: Sean

Simon's "Chris Cornell / Jesus Christ Pose" pose

I like blurry action photos

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