Friday, July 20, 2007

The Last Days Of Left Eye

VH1 screened a cool documentary about Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes this week. Lisa was one third of the 90's all girl hip hop act TLC - who have sold over 15 million records.

I wasn't a fan of their stuff - the odd song was ok though. But i'd read much about Lisa and the controversy surrounding her outspoken nature. It seemed at times that this controversy overshadowed the music in the media - and this was evident in the film. You may recall some of this "controvery" - she wore a condom packet over her left eye while performing (to school kids - who were exactly the ones who needed the exposure to safe sex) , she burned down the house of her NFL player boyfriend, TLC went bankrupt, etc.

The film centres around Lisa and her want to release a statement - her side of the story. She gathers a crew and some family/friends and goes to Honduras for 30 days of filming. The film is interspersed with footage and interview of TLC throughout their career - from early days in Atlanta to their final appearance together as a band at an Mtv thing. A lot of this footage centers on the above mentioned controversy in Lisa's life. A lot of the footage in Honduras is of Lisa and crew in a low rent health retreat cleansing and exercising their bodies, while Lisa discusses her "demons" and her belief in numerology.

Lisa died in a car accident on day 28 of the 30 day shoot. The film was finished by Lauren Lazin, who according to was also involved in the Tupac: Resurrection film.

I liked the film. I like music documentaries - even ones on artists or genres im not a fan of. The way that the history of TLC was mixed into the life of Lisa - giving people like me a better understanding of the band and their history. It went deep (not Some Kind Of Monster deep...) into Lisa's time in rehab and her drinking past. I wasnt aware that TLC were bankrupt at one stage of their career. I found Lisa's math interesting on how a band who had at that stage (1994??) had sold 10 million records but had no money. The math made sense to me.

The ending of the film left me feeling a little flat. I was shocked to see the actual car acident - her crew were filming inside the car of Lisa driving. You see the car swerve and the camera cuts out. I guess the aim of a documentary is to expose, confront, entertain and question the viewer. And these objectives were met. I just didnt think that scene was needed. IMHO a simple fade to black with a few of Lisa's lyrics would have been more fitting. Perhaps this is the VH1 edit?

As im crap at reviews, go here for the hype, and here for the reality.

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